I told myself that today, no matter what, I must blog! I very lazy la... everyday so tired, if really got time, also sleep la....correct anot?
Ok stop the crap....these are the few things that happen to my
already pathetic life...
Went to Shuxian's house to have some girly chitchat session. And some interesting love confession by someone named...hahaha or whether should I just post the video over here?? Hahaha that depends on how that person treat me on this christmas....hehehe...

Why Jacklynn is not in the picture? Ans: Becos she was damn late...scandaling with her Little Red Car...
Went to Tampines Sakae with JiaHui. Long time never meet up already and her hair grew so long!! Had a wonderful buffet and a
sinful one also...
The last picture is my newly bought Baby G! Love it so much...
Starhub called recently to ask me to renew my internet plan and said that they will give away a mp3 and $100 Robinson voucher to me. Since I still need to use internet, this seems like a good deal to me. So...this is my mp3 and voucher...
Expensive mp3 that cost $400 with slide up speaker - Sold to colleague
$100 Robinson voucher - Give to brother
I am the one who pay the internet bills but in the end I got nothing....:S
30NovBeautiful christmas deco at Changi Airport...
9DecSomeone's name suddenly appear on my hp as missed call. Never thought that that person will call me, so I didn't return the call. And again my hp rings...Yes, its him. Why is he calling me for? After so long, not even bother me, happily living with his new partner, call me in the middle of the night. I picked up.
Him: Hello? Do you know where is Tiger Airways?
Me (thinking):
Am I the Tiger Airways hotline or something like that?Me: Ya, why?
Him: You working in airport right? Is Tiger Airways at terminal 2?
Me: Nope...You have to...blar blar blar......to get there. Where are you going to?
Him: Bangkok
Me: With who?
(what a stupid question to ask...idiot also know the answer)
Him: With Jessica lor...
Me: wah er xin leh....hahaha
Him: what er xin?
(in a joking manner)Me: No la...just remember to bring back souvenirs....
Him: oh okok thanks ar bye....toot..toot..toot..
We used to have plans to go for an holiday overseas but never had a chance. But now, he was doing it with someone else...haiz....saddening...
11NovHey! This is my house's christmas deco done by my lovely father. Yeah! Mei ma?

And talking about my father, he is quite pathetic also la....cos everyday he has to sent me downstairs to wait for the transport early in the morning or wait for me when I come home late midnight. This was the photo I took this morning while waiting for the transport.... He always complains that his legs are very tired from standing up...so he will squat down and have a smoke...Poor daddy...